Noel Composition of Dahlia
新井順子 Junko Arai
Fleuriste PETIT à PETIT(プチタプチ)、Une petite fleur Violette 主宰
18歳から神奈川、東京、パリなどの生花店で働き知識と技術を習得。2006年、Fleuriste PETIT à PETIT を立ち上げてフラワーレッスン・ギフトブーケの制作を開始。2012年に世田谷区桜新町にフラワーショップをオープン。
Experience of working at a flower shop when she was still a high school student decided her life as a florist. Even though she worked for publishing company after graduate, soon she back to flower industry and obtained all the skills she needed working at several flower shops. She worked for flower shop in Paris when she was 27 where she got culture shock. “French Maison (high-class florist shop) had solid relationships with customers. The price is relatively high but I was so impressed with high professionalism of employee’s.”
Lease of windy scented heath hill
Her distinctive flower shop located near the station keep having visitors one after another asking her for suggestions.
With all the fancy lights and flower bases she carefully selected, feel like being in a shop somewhere overseas.
2018年に2店目としてオープンした Une petite fleur Violetteのコンセプトは “Art de Vivre”(暮らしの芸術)。「フランス修行時代に知った人生の楽しみや芸術を生活に取り入れる文化を発信したいと思っています。」
The concept of her second shop Une petite fleur Violette which opened in 2018 is “Art de Vivre” (art of living). “I’d like to deliver the enjoyment of life and the culture that incorporates art into the life which I learned in France .”
Besides flower lessons, the shop provides various services and events such as introducing antique accessories and having wine seminars.
“There are not too many flowers in my shop. I carefully select them as suit my taste.”
iD Choiki prepaired for this shooting has Flower Arrangement Type blades. Wire saws on the blades enabled her to work without changing tools in lease making.
“I can cut thick stems easily with this scissors and I’m very happy to be able to customize them with colors and types of blades.”
“I’m trying to make flower arrangements naturally fit into Japanese houses.”
お店は東急田園都市線 桜新町駅を挟んで2店舗。この日はクリスマス前でポインセチアやコットンフラワーが店先を賑わせしていた。
She has two stores across the Sakurashinmachi station of Tokyu Denentoshi Line. This day, poinsettia and cotton flowers decorated the shop towards the Christmas.
愛用の道具 Favorite tools
iDチョキ(グリップ:ライトグレー、ライトパープル、ブレード:フラワーアレンジタイプ *店舗名をレーザー刻印)