Whisper of spring
Combination of the black stand that brings out the flowers and the mini-bottle glass that feels freshness. It is likely to hear the pleasant voices of the little flowers.
吉本 敬 Takashi Yoshimoto
東京フラワーデザイン倶楽部 主宰
フローラルデザイナーズTeam F5+member
フラワーデザインが今ほどポピュラーではなかったころ、本屋でたまたま手にとったフラワー雑誌に衝撃を受けた。「花を使ってこんなデザインができるのか。これなら俺もやってみたい」と思いウェディングフラワーを扱う会社に入社。そこで8年間働いたが、あのとき本屋で受けた衝撃とは違うという思いもあった。一時は花業界から離れ、つなぎのアルバイトで配送業をやったことも。しかし配達先の玄関に飾られた花を見て感動し、「やっぱり花がやりたい!」思った。その後は花を使ったイベント会社や銀座の生花店での勤務を経て、花阿彌ブルーメンシューレのインストラクターに。2007年にはドイツの著名なフラワデザイナー グレゴール・レルッシュ氏のクリスマスイベントにおいて1,000人以上を前にバートノイエンアール大ホールでライブ制作を行い高い評価を得た。現在は東京青山で「東京フラワーデザイン倶楽部」を主宰するかたわら、男性5人のデザイナーズユニット「F5+」で書道家やイタリアンシェフとのコラボレーションを行うなど精力的に活動している。
When flower design was not as popular as it is today, he was shaken by the beauty of the flowers in the magazine he took at the local book store by chance. “Who ever can do such a great thing? I want to give it a to try too!” Then he got a job at the wedding flower company where he spent eight years. However, he had been feeling the gap between the impact on what he saw at the local bookstore and what he had been doing day-to-day. He had left the flower industry and worked as a deliverer. One day, he brought a package to one house where he was moved by the flowers beautifully decorated at the entrance. “I want do flowers again!” He decided to quit the delivery company. After working at an event company handles flowers and at a flower shop in Ginza, he became an instructor of Hanaami. In 2007, at the Christmas event of the famous German flower designer Gregor Lelsch, he made a live performance at the Bad Neuenahr big hall in front of more than 1,000 people and received high marks. Now he presides over Tokyo Flower Design Club in Aoyama Tokyo. He is also a member of the F5 +, a five-man designers unit that collaborates with professionals from other industries like calligraphers and Italian chefs.
Contrast form
The beauty of the contrast between Kiwi’s vine curve and Amaryllis’s straight line is the highlight. An impressive work with minimal flower materials.
Working on Amaryllis’s creations for the photo shooting.
Uses various kinds of wires according to the colors and designs of the work.
Prank of flowers
Left to the natural movements of the flowers. The natural-colored foundation made of pampas grass stems freshly brings out white flowers.
Mr. Yoshimoto possesses many ARS Corporation products. On this day, he used iD Choki which can be customized with favored grip color and blade.
“These scissors are easy to hold and fit comfortably in my hand. Since I use a lot of wires, wire cutter on blades is very convenient.”
His atelier near Nogizaka Station. He produces events and space design as well as teaches flower design here.
“When I was young, I was ashamed of myself not being topnotch flower designer and I always wanted to be.”
愛用の道具 Favorite tools
ハサミ:iDチョキ(グリップ:ブラック・レッド、ブレード:ハードカットタイプ *名前をレーザー刻印)
剪定ばさみ:Gクラシック ミニチョキデラックス(GC-130)