自然との共同作業で生み出す芸術 岩下由紀子さんの「山野草盆栽」
アジュガ ヒメウズ ジャノヒゲ の寄せ植え
Group Planting (Ajuga, Semiaquilegia, Ophiopogon japonicus)
One year
Image of the scene of the dog walking path.
“Semiaquilegia, which is said to be weed on the roadside is often not recognized because they are very small, but if you plant it in a pot, then they’ll be the main character. You can enjoy Ophiopogon japonicus’s ultramarine colored fruit in winter.”
岩下 由紀子 Yukiko Iwashita
山野草盆栽教室 睦草 主宰
日本園芸協会認定 盆栽士
HP Instagram
It was a sheet of flyer that she found at the wild grass shop she visited to get a present for her stepmother that got her into wild grass bonsai. She was fascinated by the toughness hidden in the pretty wild grass and had a great interest in the changing of appearance of flowers over time. In 2018, she left the company worked for many years and decided to focus on teaching bonsai. Students come here to get away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo and get absorbed in the beauty of the nature.
“Wild grass bonsai can be described as collaborative work with the nature. Sometimes unknown seeds pop into your pot on the wind and sprout there. Instead of picking them out, you can accept them, and even appreciate them.”
ヒダカハナシノブ シロバナイヌナズナ スズメノヤリ ヤクシマノギク の寄せ植え
Group Planting (Hidaka Hanashinobu, Draba japonica, Luzula, Yakushimanogiku)
Image of the spring sun.
“Yakushimanogiku blooms in autumn, and the leaves of Luzula turn red in the cold of winter.”
lapse of time
As a manager of big IT company, she learned lessons from wild grasses that can be applied to her work, and her life.
“Group planting of wildflowers needs harmony of individuality. That has an element of business management.”
“You may be busy enough to forget about watering. Running out of water weakens the plants and in the worst case kills them. Communication within the company is the same. Without continuous communication, you can not build strong bonds with your staff.”
コクリュウ ヤクシマヤブコウジ タチツボスミレ バイカオウレン コバノタツナミソウの寄せ植え
Group Planting (Kokuryu, Yakushimayabukouuji, Viola grypocera, ,Scutellaria indica)
Three years
Image of discovery on a mountain road.
“Viola grypocera and Scutellaria indica came from nowhere on the wind as seeds sprouted. You can enjoy the flowers of Scutellaria indica and the black fruits of Kokuryu and the red fruits of Yakushimayabukouuji from autumn to winter. And the flowers of Coptis quinque in early spring. My husband made this but I take care of it now.”
ワイヤーカッターのついた3100-BK アルスヌーボーダブル ブラックで盆栽用ワイヤーをカット。
Cut the bonsai wire with B100-BK.
“I tend to cut the wire with regular scissors and I know its not good for blades. But with this scissors, I can cut the aluminum wire without damaging the blades.”
GC-380(アルスヌーボーロングアーム )で細かい葉を剪定。
Pruning fine leaves with GC-380
“The scenery of wild grass bonsai changes depending on how it is cared. When making a scenery of wind through, these long handles made me easy to cut the leaves in the back”
ジュウガツザクラ ハリイヌナズナ スズメノヤリ オトギリソウ
Jugatsuzakura, Hariinunazuna, Luzula, Hypericum.
Image of the bank of the river.
“I spend many years creating the scenery of natural fields. It is important to match the pots with the wild grass. I made this pot that looks like a bank by myself.”
iD choki maded for this shooting. The blades are stainless steel and her name is laser engraved.
“Maintenance of tools are important. Since my name is on it, I sure will take good care of them.
Her beloved dog Hana was was watching the shooting in the chair in the atelier.
“Sometimes a wonderful view emerges I never imagined. That is another interesting point of wild grass bonsai.”
愛用の道具 Favorite tools
ハサミ(左から)GC-380(アルスヌーボーロングアーム )、3100-BK(アルスヌーボーダブル ブラック)、iDチョキ(ベージュ×ライトグレー、ブレードはステンレスタイプ)